責任のなすりつけ spread the blame




to pin a problem on someone
to blame a problem on someone


to pin は画鋲で止めるというあのピンです。

to spread the blame はアメリカのラジオ局を始め、各社が同じように使っている表現で、BP社が自社の責任を他社に擦り付けることで、自分の責任(とその負担)を軽くしようとたくらんでいることを示唆しています。

BP to spread the blame across subcontractors

Rep. Edward Markey (D-Mass.), one of several top Democrats probing the BP oil spill, said Wednesday that BP is too eager to point fingers at other companies in its new internal report on the Gulf of Mexico spill.

“This report is not BP’s mea culpa. Of their own eight key findings, they only explicitly take responsibility for half of one. BP is happy to slice up blame, as long as they get the smallest piece,” said Markey, a senior member of the Energy and Commerce Committee and chairman of the Select Committee for Energy Independence and Global Warming.


to point finger at other companies: 「他社を指差す」が直訳ですが、「あいつに責任があると指差す」という意味なので、「責任をなすりつける」と意訳することができます。finger-pointing と名詞句にすることもできます。


HOUSTON (Reuters) – BP Plc's internal probe of the deadly April 20 blowout that unleashed the massive Gulf of Mexico oil spill will assign blame to BP as well as other companies involved in the well's operations, The Wall Street Journal reported on Tuesday.

The BP probe, which will be released on Wednesday, is one of many launched after the blowout led to an explosion aboard the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig that killed 11 men and caused the worst offshore oil spill in history.

The Journal said the report would explain why engineers missed key signs the well was unstable, such as worrisome pressure tests.


to assign the blame: 直訳すると「責めを割り当てる」ということになりますが、「責任の所在を決める」「誰の責任かをはっきりさせる」という意訳ができます。
to assign the blameだけでは「擦り付ける」というニュアンスはありませんが、この記事のタイトルが
to spread the blame across the subcontractors
to assign the blame to BP as well as other companies

動詞のspreadには足を広げるのような「広げる」、情報工学で使われる拡散コードのような「拡散させる」などの意味もありますし、to spread butter のように「(バターを)伸ばしながら塗る」という意味もあります